
methods for segmenting large 3D brain image volumes

This project is maintained by nerdslab


This repository contains methods for segmenting large 3D brain image volumes. You can find further details about how we apply the methods in this repo to segment mm-scale brain volumes in the following paper:

Dyer, Eva L., et al. “Quantifying mesoscale neuroanatomy using X-ray microtomography.” eNeuro, eneuro.org/content/4/5/ENEURO.0195-17.2017 (2017).

If you use any of the code or datasets in this repo, please cite this paper. Please direct any questions to Eva Dyer at evadyer{at}gatech{dot}edu.

To download the full dataset and/or annotated subvolumes [Link to Data]

Workflow Architecture

How to Run the Pipeline to Segment a Large Dataset

Step 0. Train a pixel classifier in Ilastik

Before running the pipeline, you must first train a Pixel Classifier in Ilastik (ilastik.org) to find the objects that you are interested in segmenting. Please check out their tutorial on how to train a classifier with ilastik. Once you are done training the classifier, make note of the path to your .ilp file, you will need it later.

Step 1. Configuring python environments to run this workflow

To create sub-volumes for segmentation, run ilastik, and combine segmented sub-volumes into a whole volume file you will need to create the following conda environment (example below will create an environment called “ilastik-devel”). Python modules installed into this environment include h5py, skimage, mpi4py, glob, multiprocessing and psutil.

conda create -n ilastik-devel -c ilastik ilastik-everything-no-solvers

conda install -n ilastik-devel  -c conda-forge ipython

conda install -n ilastik-devel -c conda-forge  mpi4py

source activate ilastik-devel

Note: If you have problems running the pipeline using this environment, you can also try to add a different build of mpi4py. Try to use this build instead » conda install -n ilastik-devel -c intel  mpi4py

Step 2. Running the pipeline

(1) Edit the file “seg_user_param.py” to specify the input parameters

The user should specify the following info:

(2) Activate Python environment

source activate ilastik-devel

(3) Segment data

python tiff_to_hdf5_mpi.py
python make_subvolume_mpi.py
python segment_subvols_pixels.py
python combine_segmented_subvols.py
